Monday, December 7, 2009

Barbara Boxer

What with Babs? Is she loco? If there's any reason to doubt that California is off its collective rocker, consider Pelosi, Feinstein, Schwartzenegger (sp?), and now Boxer.

Boxer wants the hackers of the e-mails in the Climategate affair prosecuted. OK, I understand the privacy issues and am sensitive to them. But, c'mon....

What about the fraud being perpetuated by the global warming nuts? There's a reason Algore cancelled his latest talks. That fraud resulted in how much gov't money going into certain hands? Hmmmm. Isn't that a felony? Isn't that, too, worthy of prosecution? I would surmise, with the millions or billions of dollars involved, with deliberate fraud, this would be a more significant case to chase. But, nope, gotta keep the global warming fraud going because it, but not the facts, fits an agenda.

And, yes, I believe we should cut back on waste, pollution, emissions, etc., but not because of the global warming fiction.

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