Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Items

I heard on the radio this week these two things.

First, one of our Congressmen from Michigan pretty much said, flat out, that he's smarter than we are and knows what's best for us better than we do. There, that's one of the "anointed" for you. I think most of them are like that, certainly Reid, Pelosi, and their cabal and, of course, Obama. Well, although they may know a bit more on the specific issues--at least I would hope they would, since that's their job!!!!! and we have other jobs--they aren't any smarter. I've listened to some of these people and, although I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, they are not smarter than I am. In fact, I think I could make a pretty good case they are a lot more stupid! But, let's keep electing the "anointed."

Second, there was a U of M prof discussing "obesity" on the air. She was very interesting, made good points, esp toward the costs of obese and overweight people, etc. Then, she lost me. She said it wasn't people's fault they ate too much and exercised too little, that, indeed, they were overweight or obese. It was outside factors, such as stress, frustration, etc. Yeah, right. I weigh 20 pounds more than I should because of stress and frustration? No! I weigh 20 pounds more than I should because I like to drink beer (and do) and like to eat just about anything (except vegetables and fruits), including raw cookie dough (and I do). If stress and frustration led to overweight and obesity, back when I was working, I'd have weighed 400 lbs!!!! Yet another instance of not holding people accountable for their own actions, their own lives; it's always somebody or something else's fault.

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