Saturday, December 5, 2009

Please Write Your Congressmen/Senators

A letter I wrote to my US Senator:


The overwhelming majority of Americans have health insurance. Even if the numbers provided by some advocates of an ObamaCare bill are accepted (and I don't; they are grossly inflated), but for the sake of argument if they are accepted, 85-90% of Americans have health care! And, we have the best health care in the world!

Of course the cost of coverage are skyrocketing and are worrisome. But there are much better ways of dealing with them, even through Congressional meddling, than the monstrosity being considered now.

Health care is not "a right," no more so than life insurance, auto insurance, etc. Can I expect the next "right" to be tackled by Congress is how to pay my life insurance premium, which, by the way, just increased more than 300%!?!? No, none of these are rights--and where in the Constitution can any tangential semblance to such rights be found? Don't look because none can. Of course, as one of your Congressional colleagues on a recent Sunday AM news show said, if a majority of the elected officials in Washington want something that violates the Constitution, it's OK to pass. Health insurance is an individual/family budget issue. People, especially young ones, think nothing of a $150 a month cell phone bill, among other things. But, thanks to the nanny state, they expect health insurance to be given to them.

Members of Congress think they are smarter than the rest of us. They aren't. They think they know what's best for us better than we do. They don't. Stop this madness of spending, practically guaranteeing bleak lives for our children and grandchildren who will be saddled with this massive debt. Vote NO! on this health care bill.

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