Thursday, December 24, 2009

Walking the Walk

It's time to stop talking the talk and begin walking the walk.

The Senate, and the House before it, has passed the ObamaCare bill. This despite a more than 2 to 1 opposition to it among Americans. The latest polls have 60% or more against the bill(s) while somewhere among the mid-20% favor it. Almost half would rather have nothing than this so-called "reform." Yet, it's passed anyway.

Bribes. Prostitution. Threats. Promises. These are all parts of this bill. I'm not naive enough to think these are unique in legislative deals. That, though, doesn't make them right. In other words, because "it's done all the time" isn't a justification.

Shall we add Sneaky. Duplicitous. Dishonest....

I hope residents of some states will be happy paying billions of dollars to citizens of other states for the bribes/prostitution extorted by their Senators. With a lot of luck, the court challenges to this unconstitutional usurpation of government power will succeed. The health care bill is patently a violation of the Constitution. How can the government require citizens to purchase health insurance? Will we also be required to buy homeowners' insurance? What about life insurance? (Auto insurance is another story, since it is involved with a specific activity. If one doesn't own a car, one shouldn't have to buy car insurance. Or, with this Congress, maybe one will be required to, regardless of auto ownership!) How about government buying my auto, homeowner's, life insurances for me? How can the government require citizens of one state to openly subsidize the medical insurance of residents of other states?

A pox on the houses of all those members of Congress who voted for this bill! (I might also add the bailouts, the CRA, TARP, and, soon, Tax and Trade.) Ready to walk the walk????

Beginning in 2010, yep this coming year, all those incumbents who voted for the bill need to be replaced. If some don't run (rumor is some have been promised ambassadorships, Cabinet posts, and other government positions), before we elect a candidate from that same party, we must elicit a firm commitment to repeal this legislation. In fact, we must insist that anyone we vote for is one who is committed to rescinding this abomination.

I have opined that people who say they are fed up, mad as hell, outraged, not going to take it are not really fed up, mad as hell, outraged and that they are going to take it. We'll see in the next elections. We'll see who says more than their prayers. Now is the time for political actions--get hid of the duplicitous, dishonest, stupid crooks. Remember, Monica Conyers is going to prison for taking a $5000 bribe. What about the bribes to Landrieu, Brown, Levin, etc...the amounts of which are a great deal more than $5000???? Are those legal just because they were proffered by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader of the Senate, President of the United States? What about the threats? Because they were made by the above, does that make the intimidating extortion legal?

Throw out the bums--ASAP!!!!!

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