Friday, December 21, 2012

Fri AM Musings

Several things are leaving bad tastes in my mouth--and not just last night's dinner.

First, how can a US Congressman, Gary Peters of Michigan, hire a former Kwame Kilpatrick aide?  Oh, this aide was recently released from prison, having been convicted of bribery.  It sort of makes one wonder about this Congressman's, ahem, judgment, doesn't it?

And what's the deal with the federal government giving a group of "experts" (?) $5000 each to go to Hawaii to study food and Mars?  Huh?  "You have to be kidding," but I'm not. One would think, in light of the current financial mess, things like that wouldn't happen any longer, but then one would be wrong. I know the retort is the same one several school administrators always gave me when I questioned spending there. "Oh, that's just a drop in the bucket." Well, how many drops until the bucket starts filling up? Like Everett Dirksen once said, "A few million dollars here and a few million dollars there and pretty soon you're talking real money." Yep. But as Milton Friedman also noted, "It's easy to spend other people's money."

Also, Obama getting Time Magazine's "Man of the Year"award still rankles me.  It's just what the egotistical, narcissistic guy needs.  Oh well, I guess I take some solace in that it's not necessarily an award for "good," but for influencing events of the year the most.  I'm not sure he has, but....  And there's aways knowing that Hitler and Stalin (twice) also won the awards.  BTW, I read just yesterday, from an Obama critic, that Obama is "a highly polished and eloquent speaker."  You know, I just don't see it--and never have.  It must be me.

Still, in the wake of the most recent mass murder, there is no call for an investigation into violent video games and television shows/movies.  Surely they must play a role.  The army uses violent video games to desensitize soldiers before combat/killing.  But the "experts," the arrogant elitists who fill our airwaves on radio and television don't ever seem to mention the violence that is now part of many young people's lives.  If they do, I missed it (with the full admission I don't watch much television, almost never on my own).

OK, out to make a snowman with the Codester.....

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

Yes, why doesn't Quinton Terantino speak out on violence? I guess that wouldn't work will it. I am not an NRA member, but I think banning guns is wrong and against our rights as Americans. I see no purpose to assault weappons. However, once that starts, do you head down the slippery slope. We do not look at the big picture and the people who use guns to kill. Of course we have no problem with Mexico supplying us with illegal drugs do we? Light one up everybody, it's now your right!