Thursday, December 27, 2012

Round Two...

Yesterday afternoon's/evening's snowfall of 5-5 1/2 inches was topped off by another 2 1/2-3 inches overnight.  (I measured both times.)  This AM's shoveling was much easier--a lesser amount and I used a lighter shovel.  The lighter shovel carries less snow, so requires more shoveling.  Still, it was easier.

At 7:30 or so, it was still pretty quiet out there.  I did hear a couple of county plows out on Commerece Rd, but just a couple.  I managed to get in about half of the driveway before the snowblowers started up.  I'm thankful for that.  Like last night, again before the infernal snowblowers, the shoveling was peaceful and quiet and the view/scenery was beautiful.

I followed the shoveling this AM with a walk/run through Lake Sherwood.  There was a bit more traffic, but still not much.  And, there were more snowblowers.  Grrrrrr......  And, did I see a mechanized window scrapper/blower?  I couldn't be sure, but some guy cleaning his windshield was making an awful lot of what sounded like machine noise.

Bopper and I received headlamps for Chris from Grandma (who, it is widely believed, lost our other two; or, at least, they can't be found wherever she put them).  We are planning on heading out after dinner for a walk in the dark.  It should be cool, as in neat, not as in cold.  No doubt, Ash and the Codester will want to join us.

So far, I'd say, the first two rounds go to Ron, by wide margins.

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

Well, I guess for one am still a big fan of the snowblower. Too me, the snowblower shows a willing to leave your home, maintain your property and make safe the sidewalks for people walking with their new puppy dogs and grandkids. I look at all of the people Weingarts employs and say God Bless. And all of those people working for cash under the table plowing snow in company trucks. How does that work, anyway...