Friday, January 18, 2013

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

That Mark Twain had a way with words, didn't he?  (My favorite of his, though, remains, "In the first place, God created idiots.  That was for practice.  Then he created school boards."  Yep.  I had that one on my classroom bulletin board, there for one and all to see, for years and years and years.)

How is one to make a determination of the extent of gun violence in this country with so many different lies, er, statistics about fire-arm related deaths?  I noted this in two op-ed pieces running side by side in this AM's newspaper.  One claimed "31,000" and the other "12,664."  That's a pretty big variance, isn't it?  Are these numbers reflective of murders?  Is only one of them the number of murders with guns?  Does that mean the majority were "accidents?" 

Curious, I checked several online sources, fairly reputable I think.  Yep, I found as many as more than 31,000 and as few as 11,000--and quite a few in-between.

And, could someone at least be honest about what are being called "assault weapons" and "automatic weapons?"  Most aren't, actually showing an ignorance of what these weapons really are.

Notice, too, I haven't yet begun to sound off on the assault on Constitutional rights.  And, no, I don't own a single gun and haven't fired one in maybe 45 years or so.

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