Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I'm not naive enough to believe we have eliminated racism--hardly.  In fact, I suppose if we got rid of racism, there are quite a few folks out there who would have to find another way to make a living.  (No doubt you know of whom I speak.)

But, like many things, I often wonder about "racism."  What exactly is it?  Who can be a "racist?"  Is it justiciable?  I even wonder about "hate crimes," if they should be punished more severely than the same crime without the "hate."

Now, though, I take exception to cries of "racism" in two recent matters.  One is the offer of the state of Michigan to take over Belle Isle from the city of Detroit.  The transaction wouldn't be permanent and would, in fact, merely be a "loan" of sorts.  The state would beautify the island--clean it up!--and maintain and operate it.  Detroit would be free of all that expense, which it can hardly afford, and, when the lease is up, will get a cleaner Belle Isle back.  (Please, Please don't call me a "racist" for using the word "cleaner.")  Yet, the city council balked, delaying matters so long that the state withdrew its offer.  And what did I hear the other day on the radio?  Yep, one of the council members accusing the state of "racism" for the offer.  How is that "racism?"  For Detroit, it seems to me to be a win-win situation.  And, as a caller to a radio station, one who identified himself as black, noted, the $10 state park fee shouldn't be a burden to many, if any, folks.  He noted these people regularly go to Metropolitan Beach, Kensington MetroPark, other state facilities and pay money.  He also pointed to the zoo, professional and college sports, etc. which charge for admission. 

And, I guess VW has a Super Bowl ad that is "racist."  I watched the video, looking for the "racism" that had introduced the ad.  Some advertising "expert" began her criticism with that charge, "racism." I will admit, she sounded much the fool to me, one of those arrogant elitists who lives to tell us what we can't think for ourselves.  (That's just my first impression of her, the one I got from her short evaluation.  She might be a nice lady for all I know.)  The "racism" stems from using a white guy to talk like a Jamaican (or some other Caribbean native).  It's part of the them of "Don't Worry, Be Happy," you know, that popular song from a few years back.  By the end of the ad, a car-load of folks are talking, conveying the sense of happiness from driving a VW.  "Racist?"  Why aren't white gangsta rappers, then, "racists?"  How about some of those comedians?  Hey, I've heard the President use the vernacular!  For that matter, why aren't there criticisms of television shows and movies who depict mobsters with heavy Italian accents?

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