Friday, January 25, 2013

Outta My Mind on a Fri AM...

...oh, it's Fri afternoon already?  Where did Fri morning go?  I did sleep in today, all the way to 5:54 AM, but still......

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard the instrumental version of an old Motown song.  I know I don't care for what goes for "music" today--or even most of the past 30 years.  But listening to this classic Detroit melody led me to several thought, none particularly new.  Those old songs, at least many of them, could stand on their own, vocally and instrumentally.  Aretha can sing; so can Smokey.  The list goes on:  The Temptations, Marvin, Martha Reeves (and the Umbrellas), Levi Stubbs and even non-Motown Detroiters (many of whom still recorded at the Motown Studio) such as Jackie Wilson, Deon Jackson, and Jerome Anthony ("Little Anthony").  Choker Campbell and Earl Van Dyke had great bands; I used to buy their instrumental albums.  I don't think many songs of today can do that.  I'm not sure, though, since I don't listen much to more modern music.  But, some, such as "head-banger" and "gangsta rap" can't stand on either the vocals or the instrumentals.

I read an article the other day about Profiles in Courage.  The author, supposedly an educated guy, kept talking about how John Kennedy this and John Kennedy that in his book.  I kept thinking, "Hey, doesn't this guy know JFK didn't write Profiles in Courage??????"  Who was the wag who suggested this was the only Pulitzer Prize won by an author who didn't write the prize-winning book?  Oh, the book was JFK's idea, but he didn't do much, if any, of the work.  It was a team effort, with Ted Sorenson doing most of the writing.  Let's put it this way, if JFK had turning this book in as his own work in my class, he'd get an F.  I'm still wondering, though, how this columnist doesn't know that Kennedy didn't really write Profiles in Courage.  It's been common knowledge for a long time.

So it's to be women in combat now?  Hmmm......  This might well be a case to be careful what you wish for/want.  Why would women want to be in combat?  Combat results in deaths, injuries, maiming.  Men don't want to be in combat, at least those who've been there.  And, is it so, that women will be able to opt out of combat?  If so, wait a minute.  It's one thing to demand "equality."  It's a far different thing to want "selective equality."

This isn't a slam at the Obama Administration, well, not one exclusively aimed at it.  This is a bi-partisan slam, which is likely to be the closest I will ever come to "bi-partisanship."  (It's hard for me to even write the word!)  Democrats/Republicans--Republicans/Democrats, it makes no difference. 
Are we nuts?!?!?!  Why do we give foreign aid to practically anyone?  Do Americans know that between 1995 and 2009 (yes, as recently as 2009!), we gave $1.3 billion (that's with a "b") to North Korea?  Hey, isn't that country run by that nutcase?  Yep, it is.  Granted, we haven't given any money to NK since, but it's not like North Korea was in 2011 what it wasn't in 2009.  Oh, North Korea is now practicing launching its missiles at the US.  This one is up-to-date.  We are giving Egypt F-16 fighter jets!  Yep, both Democrats and Republicans are behind all this madness.  Are they stupid or crazy or both?

Speaking of foreign policy, how about Hillary Clinton saying before a Congressional committee, "What difference does it make?" how the attack on our embassy in Benghazi started?  I thought she was smarter than that.  How could anyone in her position make such a stupid comment?  And, she also said, "I take full responsibility...."  What the heck does that mean?  More pointedly, so what?  What consequences will Clinton face?  Apparently none.  Of course any of these politicians who so courageously (yes, I'm being quite facetious) "accept responsibility" really don't in that there are no consequences.  Are they fired?  Do they face courts-martial or civilian judicial proceedings for dereliction of duty, for fraud, or whatnot?  Of course not.  "Taking full responsibility" is enough, even though there is no real accountability.  After all, her boss (and you know he was lockstep with all the malfeasant policies that led to this) was just re-elected by an ill-informed electorate, a compliant and malfeasant (I seem to like that word today) media, and other feel- and doo-gooders (and I do mean doo).  "I accept full responsibility...."  What hooey!

In light of the above, I also wonder how John Kerry can be a nominee for anything.  What I remember most about Kerry is his use of the word "gravitas."  He intended to use it as a weapon against his political rival, as in, "My opponent lacks gravitas.'"  You know, John Kerry is the epitome of false gravitas.  And, he's also a big hypocrite.  I can explain if needed.  Here's what real gravitas is.
When Thurgood Marshall would walk into a room, a hush would gather over it.  People would whisper, in awe, "There's Thurgood!" or "Thurgood's here!"  Marshall's presence exuded gravitas, something Kerry has never experienced except in his own mind, I guess.

I was reminded this week of some words all of us should know.  Pericles once said, in one form or another, "Courage is the anatomy of democracy [freedom]."  We seem to have forgotten that, haven't we?

Out to grade papers......and ponder gravitas.

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