Sunday, December 1, 2013

Attn: J. Dayton

Surely, as I recognize, I am losing some of my faculties/memory.  I, no doubt at one time, knew Jonathon Dayton was a signer of the Constitution, not the Declaration.  I believe he was the youngest, or one of the youngest, signers.  I thought, though, that I remembered John Dayton's mother, at a parent conference, telling me of the lineage connection.  I must have been wrong--yet one more time.  Again, my memory does fail more often than I would like or even like to admit, although it is often cause for some humorous stories.


Unknown said...

No need to make excuses, Mr. Marinucci; I don't think I would even have known of Jonathan had not historically savvy people from time to time asked me about a possible familial tie. I mentioned my namesake great-grandfather John Christopher; if he's any relation, the Dayton fortune has certainly dissipated.
I didn't think you would remember me after lo these twenty nine years. I came down with chicken pox the spring exam period in which I had your course (either my junior or senior year, '83 or '84). You called me personally to tell me that I was excused from the exam and need not make it up. I had been doing well in the course, you having provided plenty of motivation. You still are; I'm relishing the blog.

Ron Marinucci said...

Well, I slipped on that one, but now that you mention it, I do recall the "chicken pox" episode. Funny how we (or at least I) remember things. I hope you are doing well. Mr Bussey has seen my blog and comments and exchanges involving you. Thanks for your kind comments.